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Project Name
LGSP-3 project for the financial year 2019-2020

1st installment: 1. Construction of RCC guide wall from West Madhanagar Joarddar paved road to Jalil Joarddar's house in Joarddar Para in Ward 2 of Madhanagar UP. = 5,6,504 / - 2. Supply of Max, Hand Washing Soap, B ø Ching Powder and Bag for Corona Virus Prevention in Madhanagar Union No. 2. = 45,000 / - 2nd installment: 3. Road HB Karan towards Rahidul's house from the paved road of Pavel's house in West Madhanagar of Ward No. 2 of Madhanagar Union No. 2. = 6,41,310 / - 4. Solidification of one-lane road from Banshila Madhyapara HB Road of Ward No. 6 of Madhanagar Union No. 2 towards Siraj's house. = 1,20,000 / -

Project Type
Latest Status

1st installment: 1. Construction of RCC guide wall from West Madhanagar Joarddar paved road to Jalil Joarddar's house in Joarddar Para in Ward 2 of Madhanagar UP. = 5,6,504 / - 2. Supply of Max, Hand Washing Soap, B ø Ching Powder and Bag for Corona Virus Prevention in Madhanagar Union No. 2. = 45,000 / - 2nd installment: 3. Road HB Karan towards Rahidul's house from the paved road of Pavel's house in West Madhanagar of Ward No. 2 of Madhanagar Union No. 2. = 6,41,310 / - 4. Solidification of one-lane road from Banshila Madhyapara HB Road of Ward No. 6 of Madhanagar Union No. 2 towards Siraj's house. = 1,20,000 / -
