It is a traditional area of Naldanga upazila that is situated near the Halti Bill. It is a traditional region of Madhnanagar union. Today, in the next few days, Madhana Nagar union has its own self-realization in various fields including education, culture, religious rituals and sports.
A) Name-2 Madhana Nagar Union Parishad.
B) Size - 7752 acres or 31.7 square kilometers
C) Village based population - (according to its own statistics in 2010)
West Madhavanagar: 3945, No. 3828, Total-7773
East Madhavanagar: 1655, No. 1566, Total -3,221
Bhattpara P. 1359, No. 1274, Total of 2633 people
Nuriyagacha P189, No. 188, Total -377
Halthi P. 490, M. 462, Total-952
Madhabpur: P. 1062, M. 941, Total -2003
Teghria: 637, No. 589, total of 1,222
Banshila: P. 3023, M. 2531, Total -5574
D) Number of villages - 08
E) Number of mouzas - 12.
F) Hat / market number-2
G) Communication medium from the upazila headquarters - Train / bus / CNG / Autoricka.
H) Education rate - 49% (According to the 2010 educational survey)
College - 2
Government Primary School - 12,
High School: 4,
Madrasah- 2
I) Chairman of the Board - Amjad Hossain Dewan
J) Important religious place- 2
T) Historical chariot - 1.
L) UP building building period - 1962-63 yd.
D) Details of newly formed council -
1) Date of taking oath - 14/06/2016
2) Date of first meeting - 10/08/2016
N) Date of validity date - 09/08/2002
O) Union Parishad Manpower -
1) Member of the elected council - 13 people.
2) Union Parishad Secretary - 1
3) Union rural police - 10 people
P) Union Digital Center
1. Established in the year 2010
Human resource-
(A) Entrepreneur-1 male 1
(B) Entrepreneur- 2 women and 1 women
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS